
If you feel like getting poetic about it—and you’re willing to pay a decent price—then Dean Kyte is your man.

Writer, artist, filmmaker, flâneur, he’s an hombre with many strings to his bow.

The author of five books, he calls the noirish laneways of Melbourne his home—when this dapper dandy isn’t ‘flâning’ about, on the prowl for a tale—or a tail…

Dean does the jobs the other guys can’t do: if it requires the touch of the wordsmith, a touch of class, he can hammer out the words until they ring.

Content strategy is his métier: if your message is complex, Dean can fashion an elegant article that fits your voice perfectly with his Bespoke Document Tailoring and Artisanal Desktop Publishing solutions.

Though undercover, he is rarely inconspicuous.  You’ll often find the Melbourne Flâneur scribbling at ‘the office’—any place where the coffee is long, strong, and black as an undertaker’s gloves.  You might try around Centre Place.

If it’s four-alarm stuff, get in touch with him here.

Dean Kyte photographed by @theembassyofkindness on Instagram.
Dean Kyte photographed by @theembassyofkindness on Instagram.